Youth Red Cross

Each generation passes on the torch of development to the next. Hence it becomes the challenge for the present generation to groom the future of tomorrow and that is the ‘Youth’. The College Red Cross Youth(CRCY) programme for college students was approved by the Board on January 28 1969. The Youth Red Cross (YRC) is a voluntary humanitarian organization to protect human life and health based in India. It is a part of international Red Cross movement. Its mission is to provide relief in times of disaster and emergencies and promoting health and care of vulnerable people and communities.Volunteering has been at the heart of Indian Red Cross society since its inception in 1920, with the society having YRC and JRC as its fraternity. The society is closely associated with St. John ambulance.
Our vision is to provide opportunities to the youth, the makers of the future, to contribute their values and inculcate healthy living habits for the upliftment of our society.
To prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies, to protect life and health, and to ensure respect for the human being, by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.
Objectives of YRC:
- To inculcate in the Youth of our country.
- An awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.
- The understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfil the same.
- To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth.
- To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.
To achieve these objectives an unit of YRC has been functioning in Hajee Karutha Rowther Howdia college.
It has been reconstituted in the academic year 2018-19 with Mrs. S. Nasreen Banu as Coordinator and Mrs. K. Fathima Nasreen as member.
A separate syllabus has been prescribed and the classes are conducted to the members of the unit in even semester on Mondays for five weeks. Examinations are conducted and marks are mentioned in the final mark sheet. Now and then either seperately or in association with NCC and NSS, special programmes such as Blood Donation Camp, Disaster Management Training Programme, LPG Fire Safety Management, First-Aid Programme are conducted to motivate the staff and students.
Composition of Youth Red Cross Society (YRC)
Ms. S. NASREEN BANU, Assistant Professor of English
Ms. B. NAGIA, Assistant Professor of English
Events by YRC
S. No | Date | Title |
1 | 11.10.2018 | Blood Donation |
2 | 11.01.2019 | Yuvak Vikas Kendra Destitute Women Home |
3 | 01.03.2019 | Documentary Film |
4 | 12.03.2019 | Awareness Programme on Blood Donation |
5 | 25.03.2019 | Blood Donation |
6 | 15.07.2019 | Awareness Programme on Skill Enhancement |
7 | 05.08.2019 | Guest Lecture on Soft Skill-An Augmentation |
8 | 05.09.2019 | Teacher’s Day |
9 | 21.09.2019 | Human Chain |
10 | 27.09.2019 | Tree Plantation |
11 | 15.10.2019 | Game Show |
12 | 11.02.2020 | Documentary Movie |
13 | 22.03.2021 | Drawing Competition |
14 | 17.11.2021 | First Aid Awareness Programme |
15 | 30.11.2021 | Documentary Videos on Indian Polity |